Multi-Purpose Enable Function

This option allows the user to specify the function of the Multi-Purpose Enable signal (pin 7 on the Main I/O harness). This pin allows for the same functionality as the Multi-Purpose Output pin however it additionally has internal watchdog backup for added safety in the event of a processor malfunction.

Most multi-purpose functions can be supplemented with a high and low temperature limit. This allows for extreme temperatures to shut down the output under abnormal circumstances (example: if the output was being used to operate a generator or solar bank it would be necessary to turn them off if the pack got too hot, etc).

If the temperature limits are provided, the BMS will deactivate the output if either limit is exceeded (high temperature by the highest thermistor or low temperature by the lowest thermistor).

The BMS will wait for the lowest thermistor to be 5 degrees Celsius warmer than the low temperature cut off (if enabled) and the highest thermistor to be 5 degress Celsius cooler than the maximum temperature cut off (if enabled) before re-engaging the output.

This output can be turned off if a critical fault is encountered. This option allows the BMS to turn the multi-purpose output OFF whenever a critical fault code is set. Critical fault codes are defined by the following: P0A06 / P0A07 (a charge / discharge enforcement fault is detected), P0AC0 (a problem with the current sensor is detected), and P0A04 / P0AFA / P0A01 / P0A03 (a critical voltage sensing fault is detected). The output will re-engage once these fault codes are cleared (except the Contactor Enable output). Other non-critical faults (such as thermistor fault, etc) will NOT cause this output to deactivate.

Note: This output is an open drain output and can sink up to 175 mA of current.

Available Functions:

< Multi-Purpose Output FunctionPack Amphours >