Data Logging Display

The Data Logging Display module for the Orion BMS / Orion Jr. BMS (CAN version only) provides visual feedback of the essential information on a battery pack as well as data logging capabilities for diagnostics. This display and logging combo connects to an Orion BMS unit via CAN (Controller Area Network) and logs data to a memory card while displaying State of Charge, Power Limited (reduced output power), and the Malfunction Indicator Status (error indicator).
- Operates with the Orion BMS and Orion Jr. BMS (CAN version only) from Ewert Energy Systems (BMS sold separately)
- Full automotive operating temperature range (-40C to 80C)
- Logs BMS parameters to memory card at user selectable sampling rate
- Able to log both individual cell voltages as well as general BMS parameters
- Compact size and shape
- Connects to the Orion BMS via CAN (no analog connections)
- External “event trigger” input which can flag events for future review
- Log graphing and analysis software
- Real time clock to store data and time of each charge / discharge cycle
- Supports CAN frequencies of 125, 250, 500Kbps, and 1 Mbps
- User customizable logging frequency from 100mS to 10 seconds