Installation Guide for Linux

This installation guide is designed for users of Linux. Currently the following versions of Linux are supported:

Please download the latest version of the software from before continuing with this instruction guide.

NOTE: The border around the following screens will likely be different on most Linux computers due to the number of different themes available for Linux. The content inside the windows should be the same however.


  1. Opening the installation application: Depending on the way that the operating system is configured, the installation program may not be downloaded as executable. This requires performing "chmod 755 installerfile" before running the installation program.

  2. Selecting a language: There are multiple different languages supported for the installation process, however the actual application is only available in English.

  3. Confirming installation: In order to install the application, the user must agree to install it.

  4. Welcome screen: This screen welcomes the user to the installation process.

  5. License agreement: There is a license agreement that must be accepted before the installation can take place.

  6. Selecting a target directory: The installation wizard allows the user to specify where the program will be installed. The default values are fine for most installations, however more advanced users may wish to change this.

  7. Confirm location: This gives the user a chance to confirm the target directory specified in step #6 before proceeding.
    Confirm location

  8. Installing: This screen indicates that the utility is installing and may take a few moments to complete.

  9. Complete: This screen indicates that the process has been completed and the utility is successfully installed.

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